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The Dos and Don'ts of Public Wi-Fi Security

Ryan H

Updated: Mar 13, 2023

It's hard to imagine our lives without having access to the internet. Whether it's for working remotely, communicating with pals on social media, or watching movies, the internet plays a significant part in our lives. However, we at times use public Wi-Fi networks to access the internet while we are away from home or the workplace. Public Wi-Fi is useful, but it may also be dangerous. I will help cover the dos and don'ts of public Wi-Fi security in this article.

Do: Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

One of the best ways to protect your online privacy and security when using public Wi-Fi is to use a VPN. A VPN secures your internet connection, making it more difficult for someone to intercept your data. When you use a VPN, your internet traffic is redirected through a secure server, protecting your private information from prying eyes.

Don't: Access Sensitive Information

Anybody may access public Wi-Fi networks since they are not secure. This means that you should think twice from accessing private or sensitive data when using a public Wifi connection, such as bank account information or social security numbers. Use your cellular data network if you need to access sensitive information instead.

Do: Enable Two-Factor Authentication

In order to access your account, you must also input a code as an additional security measure known as two-factor authentication (2FA). Enabling 2FA can help protect your online accounts from being hacked, even if someone gains access to your password. Many popular online services, like Google and Facebook, offer options to enable 2FA.

Don't: Auto-Connect to Public Wi-Fi Networks

Many laptops and cell phones feature a setting that enables automatic connection to well-known Wi-Fi networks. This is both practical and potentially dangerous. If your device automatically connects to a false Wi-Fi network that has the same name as a genuine one, hackers may be able to access your data. Make sure your devices are set to not automatically connect.

Do: Update Your Software

To protect your devices from security flaws, it is crucial that you keep your software up to date. Your operating system, web browser, and any apps you use are all included in this. Important security patches that repair known vulnerabilities are frequently included in software updates, helping to keep your device safe.

Final Thoughts

Public Wi-Fi might be useful, but it can also be dangerous. You may help in protecting your online security and privacy by following these dos and don'ts. Use a VPN, avoid accessing sensitive data, enable two-factor authentication, disable auto-connect, and keep your software up-to-date, just to name a few. You may use public Wi-Fi networks safely and securely by following these recommendations.

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